Be seen by Top European Teams!
EuroProBasket’s European Summer League in Valencia, Spain is a professional basketball showcase for players looking to gain exposure with European teams and potentially receive offers. In attendance will be teams, coaches, scouts and agents from not only Spain but surrounding countries. There will be professional teams and semi-professional teams, all of which can offer contracts and provide living arrangements for developing players. There will be representatives from top leagues here at the European Summer League, looking to sign players at the beginning of the signing period, as well as 2nd and 3rd division representatives. This gives a variety of opportunities for players whether it be professional players looking to sign at the highest level or young players looking to just get a start on their career. EuroProBasket Professional Basketball Academy specializes in placing players in their first overseas jobs. This is a great opportunity for players to start their careers or enter into a new market.
Sign with a European agent or team at the beginning of the Summer!
There are hundreds of teams in the areas and countries surrounding the EuroProBasket’s European Summer League facilities, which are the largest and most advanced basketball training facilities in Europe. Towards the end of the season and at the beginning of summer is when teams are interested in signing their most important players. They look to resign players they had the previous season, sign players on other teams in the same league and also players playing in a league below that were the league leaders. This is the prime time to be here in Europe showcasing yourself! Teams rosters are usually completely open and have many spots to fill. Contracts are usually more lucrative as teams are looking to build their teams around the players they sign first. Take advantage of this timing, and make the right contacts to secure your spot on a team before the summer even begins!
Coaches, Teams and Representatives from all over Europe will be here!
Taking a look at this map will reveal how cheap and easy it is for coaches and teams to see our players, and for our players to go on tryouts with teams:

Close proximity to the best European Teams!
Valencia, Spain is located just a short flight away from the biggest European cities where some of Europe’s best teams are located.

Many different options for rookies!
There are 8 different Senior leagues in Spain, 3 of which are considered fully professional, one which is considered pro/semi-pro and the last 4 which are semi-professional. Some teams in the lowest divisions here in Spain offer players apartments and meals. We are the only academy in Europe that offers players developmental opportunities in lower leagues to move up to higher ones. We have placed players in First division teams to 8th division teams here in Europe and the rest of the World. Not all players are ready for a professional team, and that is why we offer other options, making sure all of our players get the best opportunity once they are here at the academy and summer league. Follow this link to see our long list of player signings: Click here

Many more opportunities once you leave here!
Once players register, your information will be placed on a EuroProBasket Summer League Roster which will be sent to Coaches, General Managers, Team Managers, Agents and Scouts all across Europe. This information will also be posted online, as well as all game film from the European summer league. Players that have not been signed to a team will be offered to teams throughout the season. Numerous players from the previous years European summer league have received offers and signed with teams during the season, replacing injured players and players that have not held up to expectations.