
Worried About Your Next Tryout? Give Yourself The Best Chance With These 13 Pro Basketball Drills

basketball tryout drills

Congratulations! You’ve got invited to a tryout with a basketball team. 

The next step? Passing the test. Basketball tryout drills will give you the best chance of doing this, but you’re probably: 

  • Feeling nervous as tryouts can be stressful and affect your game-playing form.
  • Worried you won’t stand out from the other basketball players aiming to get picked
  • Unsure which drills to practice with hundreds of options available online.

Yet, as any NBA pro will tell you, practice not only makes perfect, but it also helps calm your nerves on the big day.

Picking the right drills for a basketball tryout and repeating them hundreds of times in the build-up to your test will give you the confidence and muscle memory to give it your best shot. 

But which drills to pick? We asked several experts their thoughts on the topic and they came up with the 13 basketball tryout drills that will help you ace your way into the team.

Want to maximize your chances of acing a basketball tryout? Get in touch with EuroProBasket today to elevate your game and take your best shot at going pro.

The 13 basketball tryout drills you should be doing

So, what are good drills to do at basketball tryouts?

The word ‘drill’ may give you a sense of extremely hard work, but this is no bad thing. As NBA legend Kevin Durant once said, “Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard”. 

As Durant surely did himself, these exercises cover all the fundamentals within your basketball skills repertoire, including:

  • Shooting drills
  • Dribbling drills
  • Passing drills
  • Agility and athleticism drills
  • Defensive skills exercises

Let’s take a look at each of these categories with two or three drills to help you max out each one. 

Note: For some of these basketball tryout drills you’ll need one or two partners or, even better a qualified coach. 

1. Five spots shooting drill

Good shooting requires great form, and great form comes from repetition which builds muscle memory. The Five Spots drill is the perfect exercise for this because it forces you to quickly make lots of repetitions to nail down that technique. 

Here’s how you do it:

  1. Mark five spots: Corner, Wing, Top of Key, Opposite Wing, and Corner.
  2. Shoot and rebound: Make shots from each spot (solo or with a partner passing back).
  3. Set goals: Aim for a certain number of made shots per spot or total. A common goal is 25 shots in a row.

Bonus tip

 NBA-qualified basketball coach Dave Love of EuroProBasket Academy specializes in knowing what drills to do at basketball tryouts. 

He lists three ‘non-negotiables’ that you should always aim for when taking these shots: “balance, putting your shooting hand under the ball, and creating an arcing that has the ball dropping down into the cylinder”. 

“Good shooters tend to shoot a good amount and have relatively repeatable technique or form,” he says. 

Focusing on basketball shooting tips like this will lead to an improvement in your shooting after a while.

basketball tryout drills

2. Around the World shooting drill

This classic drill hones your shooting mechanics (including your stance, grip, and follow-through) at various distances. 

Perfect for all skill levels, including beginners, it’s a great addition to your pre-tryout warm-up or practice plan.

To set up, stand near the basket and imagine seven spots around the key: left baseline, free throw line extended, right baseline, top of the key, left elbow, right elbow, and back under the basket.

Then, you make seven consecutive shots from each spot, focusing on proper form. Don’t move on until you make all seven! Once you complete all seven spots, you’ve hit 35 shots!

Bonus tip

Challenge yourself or your teammates with a time limit or by including different dribble moves (e.g., crossover) between each spot. This will make it more difficult and improve your footwork and ball-handling alongside your shooting.

3. Free Throw shooting drill

Free throws are crucial points, so coaches pay close attention to your form and consistency at the line. Here’s a drill to elevate your free throw shooting.

  1. Stand at the free throw line and shoot five sets of 10 free throws. This high volume will push you to maintain focus and proper form under fatigue.
  2. You shoot and pay attention to key aspects: balanced stance, proper hand placement on the ball, smooth arc, and follow-through.
  3. Record the number of free throws made in each set. This data will help you identify areas for improvement and track your progress over time.

Bonus tip

As mentioned, form is crucial here so you’ll need to look out for common errors. Coach Love points out two important ones. 

  • Two-handed shots – To avoid these, put the shooting hand under the middle of the ball. “Until the shooting hand is in a position to push the ball along the target line, the player will need to push with the guide hand”, Coach Love points out.

  • Ball over head – “Taking the set point of your shot back over or behind your head is a common habit, especially among male players”, observes Love.

Instead, take the shot with the set point in front of your head, even if it feels uncomfortable.

4. Full-Court Dribble with Layup

Want to impress with your dribbling prowess and finishing ability? This drill is for you! 

Start at one end of the court and dribble the entire length, changing speeds and directions to simulate game situations. 

Bonus tip

Finish strong with a layup, demonstrating your control and explosiveness when attacking the basket.

5. Zig-Zag Dribble with Pull-Up

This drill takes your dribbling and shooting skills to a new level.

Dribble in a zig-zag pattern across the court, mimicking how you might create space against a defender. Then, pull up for a jump shot in mid-range or three-point territory. 

By doing this, you work on your ball-handling technique, ability to create scoring opportunities, and confident shooting form.

Bonus tip

Change speeds. Dribble fast then slow, mimicking creating space against defenders.

6. Line Dribble Series

This drill refines your ball-handling skills at different speeds and positions on the court. Dribble down the sideline, using various moves like the crossover, behind-the-back, and in & out dribbles. 

Bonus tip

The in and out is one of the most important dribbles in the game and adding a touch of flair to it can give you an edge, as point guard Brandon Sly points out in his YouTube series.

“Dip your shoulders into the in & out to sell it and get defenders to shift”, he recommends.

basketball tryout drills

7. Chest Pass Partner Drill

Passing is all about communication and accuracy and this drill improves both. 

Stand facing a partner and alternate chest passes, focusing on proper technique, hand placement, and crisp throws. Maintain eye contact so that you’re not just concentrating on the ball.

Bonus tip

Vary your passes.  Practice bounce and overhead passes for a complete passing skill set.

8. Pass-Pass Drill

This drill is one you may have seen at youth basketball tryout drills at high school as it’s a very popular one to improve a youngster’s passing skills and ability to finish in transition

Partner up and stand facing each other about 12 feet apart. Start with six chest passes down the court, gradually reducing the number to three as you progress. This challenges your arm strength and precision on long passes. 

After the final pass, one player cuts toward the basket while the other dishes a pass for a layup finish. This simulates a fast break scenario and works on your passing quickness, court awareness, and finishing ability.

Bonus tip

Vary the layup finish: Don’t always use the same layup, practice different variations!

9. Move and Pass

This drill hones your passing accuracy and teamwork while simulating fast breaks. Stand opposite a partner 12 feet apart near the end of the court. As you move down the court, alternate chest passes, gradually reducing the number of passes from six to three as you progress. Finish with a layup. 

By doing this, you’re improving your ability to make crisp passes on the move, a crucial skill for transition offense.

Bonus tip

Once you find you’re completing a full transition easily,  take a step back and increase the distance between you to 15 and then 18 feet.

10. High Knees & Butt Kicks (Agility)

This simple drill gets your blood pumping and demonstrates your hustle to coaches. 

Jog lightly for 2 minutes, incorporating high knees and butt kicks. High knees involve lifting your knees towards your chest with each stride, while butt kicks involve kicking your heels towards your glutes.

A proper warm-up is crucial for injury prevention and peak performance during tryouts. This drill raises your heart rate, loosens your muscles, and lets your coaches know that you’re ready for hard work.

Bonus tip

Maintain good posture and breathe deeply throughout the drill to get the most out of it.

11. Shuffle and Scoop (Agility)

This agility drill works on your lateral movements and ball control. 

Start off in a low squat position and shuffle twice to the right while maintaining a low center of gravity, then “scoop” down with both hands as if picking up a loose ball. Repeat the shuffle and scoop motion until reaching the other end of the court.

Doing this regularly will improve your footwork speed and ability to control the ball in tight spaces.

Bonus Tip

Increase the difficulty by including a basketball in the drill. Shuffle with the ball in both your left and right hand, simulating keeping it secure while navigating defenders.

12. Defensive Slide Drill 

Master the art of staying in front of your opponent with this defensive slide drill. 

Shuffle laterally while mimicking an offensive player’s movements, keeping your feet shoulder-width apart and maintaining a low center of gravity. 

Doing this will increase your defensive awareness and footwork so that you can contain attackers better.

Bonus Tip

Focus on keeping your hips low and shuffling quickly to anticipate changes in direction by the offensive player.

13. Block Before Bounce

This drill works on proper defensive positioning to secure rebounds. 

Stand on opposite sides of the free-throw lane, facing the basket. The coach or a third player throws the ball up from the free-throw line.

Instead of going for the rebound right away, focus on boxing out your partner. This means using your body to establish a strong position between them and the basket, with your arms extended and legs wide. The goal is to force the ball to bounce, giving one of you a better chance to grab the rebound.

Bonus Tip

Box out with strong, extended arms and maintain a wide base to establish a physical barrier against your opponent.

Beyond basketball tryout drills: 4 traits that coaches look for

Knowing good drills for basketball tryouts is one thing, but there are other factors that coaches look for when thinking about how to evaluate basketball players.

The first is your general fitness. The best players know how to get in shape for basketball and this ideally requires months of preparation. 

“Conditioning is not just being able to run: it’s getting your body ready for the wear and tear of a long season”, says basketball pro Brandon Beloti. “This doesn’t mean you have to be the most athletic person in the gym but no coach wants to deal with an out-of-shape player”.

You can start to improve your condition at any time by following a plan based on body strength workouts and skill development: all you need is a few pieces of basic equipment and a few hours a week to get started. 

Another is your understanding of the game. A high basketball IQ goes beyond just shooting hoops. 

Do you understand the game’s flow? Can you anticipate plays, perform smart decision-making on the court, and recognize scoring opportunities for yourself or your teammates? Coaches value players who are physically skilled, mentally sharp, and strategically savvy.

Effort is also important – and contagious. Do you give your all on every play, even when the odds are stacked against you? Do you demonstrate hustle by diving for loose balls, pressuring opponents on defense, and sprinting down the court for rebounds? 

Coaches admire players with a relentless work ethic and a never-give-up attitude. Remember, hustle can be the difference between a close win and a heartbreaking loss.

Next, are you coachable? This means being open to learning and actively improving your skills. Do you listen attentively to instructions and use feedback from coaches during practices and scrimmages? 

Coaches want players who can adapt to different strategies and contribute to a cohesive team unit.

Finally, basketball is ultimately a team sport. Do you understand the importance of working together with your teammates? Can you effectively pass the ball, set screens for open shots, and communicate on the court? 

If you prioritize teamwork and understand that individual performance is second to the team’s, you’ll go up in the coach’s estimation.

Want to train like a pro? Experience world-class coaching with EPB

A basketball tryout plan will improve your chances of passing your next trial, but maximizing your chances of becoming a pro requires serious training. 

EuroProBasket was launched to pave the way to stardom for basketball players like you. We prepare you for more than tryout basketball drills – we develop well-rounded players who can dominate the court.

Here’s what sets EPB apart:

  • Expert coaching

Our coaches are former professional players and experienced trainers who understand the dedication and different skills required to succeed at the highest level. They’ll create a personalized basketball training plan that pushes you to your limits and helps you refine every aspect of your game.

  • Unmatched facilities

The L’Alqueria Academy is Europe’s premier basketball training facility, complete with world-class amenities and luxurious on-site living.

  • Real-world experience 

Experience the thrill of real competition, feel the pressure of organized play, and gain valuable experience that goes beyond drills. These games will help you adapt to different playing styles, build confidence under pressure, and raise your game.

  • Prepare for life off the court

At L’Alqueria Academy, you can pursue a top-ranked academic program alongside your basketball training, so you not only develop as a player but also prepare for a successful future beyond basketball.

By training with EPB, you’ll gain the skills, confidence, and mental fortitude needed to take your game to the next level and impress coaches at every tryout. Don’t settle for just making the team – train like a pro and chase your basketball dreams with EuroProBasket!

Get the pro basketball tryout you always dreamed of. Contact EPB right now to find out how our basketball training camp will help make the leap to stardom.

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